Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Covid-19 Policy

At Dedikated we are very pleased to be able to welcome you all back to classes. Please help us to keep classes running safely by reading and following our Covid-19 policy and reviewing the class entry/exit diagram.

Area of FocusControls

Before you arrive at class your teacher will already have followed these procedures

Door handles, barres, 'change zones', 'dance zones', toilet area will be disinfected

When Arriving at class

Any Student displaying symptoms will be excluded from class.

No chairs left in the foyer, for the time being we will ask that no parents enter or sit in the foyer area, children will need to be dropped off at the front of the hall and collected via the fire exit. Please line up socially distanced at the start and at the end of class. Children will enter class one at a time and take up their place at the next available 'change zone'

Children should come to class fully dressed in their dance uniform with outdoor clothes over the top. They will not be able to dress in the foyer or toilet areas. Markers placed in the hall to indicate 'change zones' (where students will remove outdoor clothes and prepare for class, bags, coats etc to be stored in this area).

Markers placed on the floor to indicate 'dance zones' where students will be in lines during the class (according to socially distancing rules).

Class sizes will be limited.

Hand sanitizers will be provided at entry points.

Where practical, doors and windows will be opened to improve air flow and ventilation.

During class

No Dedikated props will be used – students may bring their own, these will not be shared. Please ask for details for your class.

Students will place clothes in '‘'change zones' and take up dance positions on the 'dance zones' and where possible stay in these zones. When not dancing or when resting they should return to their own 'change zones' to keep distanced from other members of the class

Should anyone become unwell with symptoms during class they will be sent home and advised to follow 'stay at home' guidance. Classes would be suspended for two weeks for isolation. The hall cleaned and the venue informed.

After each class

Students will leave one by one by fire exit door.

Cleaning of hall to take place; 'dance zones' and 'change zones', handles, toilet and teachers hands before the next class would be invited in. This may take a few minutes so please be patient.

Ballet Skirts
Adult and Child Feet

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